We all want to be one. We want our children to be one. And when we’re not one, we want the person in charge to be one.
What is it?
It’s not just a “leader,” it’s a “GOOD leader.”
This represents a significant qualifier. You’ll need to brace yourself for this one. The word doesn’t reflect a moral imperative (yet), it merely alludes to effectiveness.
Now, I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking, “but if a leader isn’t moral, why would I ever follow him?”
Let me counter that with a different question: If you find yourself placed in a life or death Continue Reading “What Is A Good Leader?”
The Seven Types of Power And The One Type You Should Avoid
Power is the “Id” of the leadership triumvirate. It is raw. It is blunt. We often view it as the easiest way to get from Point A to Point B.
That’s the problem with power. It’s too easy. It’s so easy, it becomes a crutch. And you know what it means to use a crutch? It means you can’t stand on your own two feet. It means you have to rely on some artificial device to accomplish your goals.
Does that sound bad? Maybe yes. Maybe no.
That’s the mystery of power. When used correctly, it can help propel you and your team to great heights. When abused, it can lead to distrust, dissension, and mutiny.
The search for power goes back to man’s very beginnings. Military leaders saw it as the path to victory, riches, and glory. Philosophers saw it for what it truly was.
Power isn’t about pushing others off the battlefield. In fact, power isn’t about our Continue Reading “The Seven Types of Power And The One Type You Should Avoid”