Have you ever read a book that offered a great idea and wondered if it really worked? That’s precisely what I felt after I read Twitter Power by @Joel Comm (here’s the book review). In the book the author outlines a 30-day plan for “dominating Twitter.” So from November 14, 2009 through December 13, 2009 I conducted an experiment. In the process, I discovered these six critical facts about my Twitter use. Has your own Twitter experience revealed similar eye-openers?
Six Things I Discovered From My Twitter Experiment

Day 29 – December 12, 2009 (Sat): Find Followers on Your New Timeline

Start of Day Twitter Stats: Follow: 165 Followers: 160 Listed: 10
Missed yesterday? Go here to read what happened on Day 28 – December 11, 2009 (Fri): Create a Second Timeline
Here we sit with less than 48 hours to go in this experiment. We (my daughters and I) started a new timeline – @MightyMovie, a classic movie quote Twitter account meant to direct followers to my daughter’s classic movie teen review site. Cesidia takes care of the reviews and Catarina takes care of the quotes. I did this most of the day with my daughters. The going was slow at first, but I think I created a monster in Catarina.
And then @mikegastin asks me something that takes me back to my newspaper days:
@ChrisCarosa Did you break the @chrisbrogan story?
Continue Reading “Day 29 – December 12, 2009 (Sat): Find Followers on Your New Timeline”
Day 27 – December 10, 2009 (Thu): Have Fun!

Start of Day Twitter Stats: Follow: 152 Followers: 137 Listed: 8
Missed yesterday? Go here to read what happened on Day 26 – December 9, 2009 (Wed): Drive Followers to Purchase Without a Special Offer
Charlie Brown snowflakes – don’t you just love them? I do.
Today’s the day I substituted for Monday. Today, instead of having fun – well, I guess this is sort of fun anyway – I try to drive followers to a blog – my blog – ChrisCarosa.com. Here’s the strategy I used: Every other tweet I tell the followers I’m tweeting the daily results of Chris Carosa’s 30-Day Plan to Dominate Twitter Experiment all day. In between, I send them a link to a different day’s update. Oh, yeah, as for the header, I used @joelcomm and #TwitterPower. Will this repetition annoy people? I’m about to find out.
Continue Reading “Day 27 – December 10, 2009 (Thu): Have Fun!”