It began as the best of years and ended as the worst of years. Did it?
Or perhaps it was the best of years and it was the worst of years.
If that second phrase sounds familiar, you’re either an astute historical observer or you’re well versed in Victorian literature (or both).
In 1859, Charles Dickens published A Tale of Two Cities. The novel opened with the following:Continue Reading “What 2020 Revealed About Us (And Maybe You, Too)”
Fandemonium: Passing the Generational Torch
I can’t understate how many times people asked me the following question in the past week: “Chris, did you get tickets to the playoff game?”
For those of you who didn’t go to St. Catherine’s Church when people still went to church, the Carosa family has a certain reputation. Each Sunday – football season or not – one or more of us (usually more of us) stood in line for communion resplendent in official and unofficial Bills attire.
Those were our Sunday clothes. It became such a tradition that, on those rare occasions (usually in the summer) when our garments didn’t sport a Bills logo, people would notice.
This “worship” of the Buffalo Bills began long ago. My father, however, was too young to remember the original Buffalo Bills.
Incidentally, did you know the first version of the Buffalo Bills appeared in the All-America Continue Reading “Fandemonium: Passing the Generational Torch”