My Life With AI—Part IV: Curses! Foiled Again!

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Many years ago, I sat in a strategic planning session for our local school district. My kids were young, not even in school yet. My participation represented a legacy of sorts. When I served on the Town Board, I was the youngest member by a generation or two. They figured that made me the perfect person to serve as liaison between the Town Board and the School Board. I soon found myself sitting on quite a few school committees, from capital projects to technology.

This strategic planning committee was a little different. For one thing, it was ad hoc. For another, it involved a lot of big mucky mucks from every facet of the school district. Still closer to my twenties than my forties, I kept my mouth shut for the most part. Oddly, despite my Continue Reading “My Life With AI—Part IV: Curses! Foiled Again!”

My Life With AI—Part III: What Comes Around Goes Around

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If you recall from past columns in this space, you might remember one of the first things I did during my second run at publishing this esteemed periodical was to replace myself.

Allow me to explain.

Among the software we found buried deep within the bowels of one of the two extremely outdated computers we inherited was an ancient DBase III program. For those not old enough to recognize the name or even the purpose of that old code, it allowed you to collect and update a customized database you could then manipulate in any way you desired. I installed this program in 1989 when we started the newspaper. I then created a database in which we could keep our subscriptions on. We used it not only to know when people needed to renew but also to print out the mailing labels to attach to the newspapers every week.

Nearly thirty years later, the previous owners of the Sentinel were still using this archaic software. The very first thing I did was extract the data (into a comma-delimited file for all you nerds out there), which I promptly imported into an Excel spreadsheet. From that spreadsheet, I wrote a mail-list merge routine in Word to print out the mailing labels.

And with that, I had replaced myself. (For those keeping score at home—and who notice how Continue Reading “My Life With AI—Part III: What Comes Around Goes Around”

How Psychic Numbing Weirdly Helps You… Or Doesn’t

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If you read a lot of spy novels or watch a lot of action-adventure movies, you’re used to scenes involving at least the threat of torture. Now, we know torture might happen in real life. As a dramatic element, however, it has very limited appeal. This is especially true in shows that want a family-friendly rating.

How do writers deal with this? They bring us right up to the edge of the actual torture and maybe a little beyond because Continue Reading “How Psychic Numbing Weirdly Helps You… Or Doesn’t”

The Layers Beyond The Image Reveal Mesmerizing Rabbit Holes

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Take a look at this picture. What do you see? What do you feel? Does it spark your curiosity? Does it inspire you? Or are you simply left wondering if you’re coming or going?

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but those thousand words often represent just the start of a great story. Here are the thousand words (and beyond) prompted by this picture.

First, just the facts. I took this picture in August of 1988. It’s just outside the medieval village of Fontecchio in the Province of Abruzzo, Italy. That’s the hometown of my father’s father. I was the first of his descendants to visit there. (My father and his sister wouldn’t get there until a year or so later.)

But it’s not like we didn’t have family there. It’s just that I didn’t know any of them, and I assumed they had no idea who I was. Indeed, during a scouting trip to Fontecchio the day before, it certainly seemed that way. After all, despite my pedigree, I felt I looked a lot less Continue Reading “The Layers Beyond The Image Reveal Mesmerizing Rabbit Holes”

A Good Show Must Always End, But A Great Story Lasts Forever

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A fragment of the Odyssey, via Wikimedia Commons

Have you ever been involved in a performance? Any kind of performance? It could have been a high school play, a ceremony at church, or a major presentation at work. In all cases, you practice, practice, practice. Whether it’s a musical or a wedding, you have a final rehearsal before the actual “show.”

On opening night, you have jitters. Throughout the event, your shoulders remain tense. You try not to let them see you sweat. At some point, however, you get past the hump. You can see the end. You begin to relax. Ironically, adrenaline pumps through your veins until it reaches euphoria when the final curtain falls. Your emotion peaks to such heights that, even today, you can barely remember the celebratory after-party.

And then it’s over. You wake up the next morning to an unexpected emptiness. The routine is gone. What do you do now?

Alas, all good shows must come to an end. Such is the nature of the business. Such is the Continue Reading “A Good Show Must Always End, But A Great Story Lasts Forever”

The Terrible Reality of Story Arcs

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Bob Denver Gilligan’s Island, 1966, CBS Television, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Think back to all the great stories you’ve heard, read while relaxing on a sunny beach, or watched in front of the big screen. What do they all have in common? Your first answer might be, “They kept me on the edge of my seat and their ending nailed it.”

OK, that might be true. But if you dig deeper, you’ll find they all stayed true to the narrative structure of the traditional story arc—Exposition, Rising Action, Climax, Falling Action, and Resolution. In good stories, you don’t see this structure. The transition from one element to the next flows seamlessly.

The 1942 film Casablanca, often cited as one of the greatest movies ever made, offers a good example of this. You don’t even notice as the Exposition rolls through a series of Continue Reading “The Terrible Reality of Story Arcs”

Skill vs. Soul: The Agonizing Choice Between Technique or Sincerity

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Cousin Reginald Spells Peloponnesus. Norman Rockwell, 1918. Public Domain via Wikipedia Commons

Have you ever been to a party that included guests from both the worlds of art and science? At first, as the visitors arrive, there’s a short cordial meet-and-greet. Folks smile, shake hands, and exchange friendly hellos. As more people enter, they begin to group with like-minded individuals.

Artists cluster with other artists. Scientists huddle with other scientists. There’s still some intermixing of professions, but they’re quick, implying each wants to return to the safety of one’s kind.

You know what happens next. You’ve seen it in all walks of life, not just between scientists and artists. It could be between any two groups of divergent attitudes. Hanging out in the self-segregated echo chamber created by others who share their worldview reinforces that point of view. In turn, this boosts the confidence they have in their profession, their religion, their politics—whatever the subject of division happens to be.

What does this mean to the imaginary (or not so imaginary) party that began this column? Invariably, an argument ensues between an artist and a scientist. In the worst case, each Continue Reading “Skill vs. Soul: The Agonizing Choice Between Technique or Sincerity”

The Power of a Promise: Why Keeping Your Word Matters

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What ever happened to Sundays? I used to lie on my stomach on the couch and read the voluminous New York Times spread on the rug below me. Then I’d roll over to my back and watch the Buffalo Bills on TV. After the Bills game, I’d keep football on and yank the extra-large NY Times crossword puzzle out of the magazine section. With the sounds of the gridiron grunting comfortably in the background, I’d meticulously complete the puzzle. In pen.

Ah, for those lazy Sundays…

Those lazy, inefficient Sundays.

Those lazy, inefficient Sundays whose only legacy is a bare, faded memory that’s almost gone.

I’m much more productive now. Life has a way of forcing that on you. It’s even better when you enjoy it.

And I enjoy it. The fruits of that production aren’t mere memories, but tangible relics that I can share with others. It’s the sharing I enjoy the most. I realize now I can’t share when I Continue Reading “The Power of a Promise: Why Keeping Your Word Matters”

These 3 Factors Drive Your Need For More Money (And May Be The Key To Solving Budget Woes)

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The first thing you’re probably thinking is, “Man, that title’s too long.” You might be right about that. But I checked it with my headline writing tool. The tool rated it “effective,” scoring an 85 out of 100. The tool may be right. After all, you made it this far into the column. Which in all likelihood has led you to…

The second thing you’re probably thinking is, “Oh, no. An article about boring financial stuff.” You might be right about that, too. But it’s not about interest rates and inflation. If that’s all you think it’s about, you might also be missing out on the opportunity to overcome some of the greatest challenges you (and everyone else) are facing right now.

Let’s see if you can guess what I’m talking about before I reveal it after a few more paragraphs.

I was pondering how to solve the impossible the other day. I won’t tell you what it is yet because I don’t want to tilt your reading of this in any way. Instead, I’ll give you the high-Continue Reading “These 3 Factors Drive Your Need For More Money (And May Be The Key To Solving Budget Woes)”

‘Today I Lit A Candle With A Spoon’

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This is a true story. It has nothing to do with Uri Geller and his “ability” to bend spoons. (For more on that, see “The Stargate Folly—It’s Never About The Science, It’s Always About The Funding,” Mendon-Honeoye Falls-Lima Sentinel, April 28, 2022).

Well, maybe it is. In a metaphorical way.

The family went to a cousin’s wedding reception this weekend. The location was phenomenal. They held the party in a custom-built barn specifically designed as a wedding venue. It looked original. Its solid timber frame (including the use of wooden pegs to connect joints) gave the appearance of a 19th century construction. I used to work in a renovated building erected in that era. It looked similar. It wasn’t. But it could have fooled me.

What do you call something like this? Yes, the word “retro” fits. But I’m thinking of something more meaningful. It’s not quite “thinking outside of the box.” It’s more “thinkingContinue Reading “‘Today I Lit A Candle With A Spoon’”

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