The titular quote comes from the climax scene of the Star Trek: The Original Series episode “Where No Man Has Gone Before.” While this aired on September 22, 1966 as the third episode of the first season, “Where No Man Has Gone Before” was produced in 1965 as the second pilot for the seminal series. It sets the stage for all that is Captain Kirk.
Briefly, (spoiler alerts here, but if you haven’t watched it yet, that’s another issue), Captain Kirk’s good friend Gary Mitchell (played by actor Gary Lockwood), gains God-like powers when the starship Enterprise becomes the first vessel to go beyond the barrier at the edge of the galaxy (hence, “Where No Man Has Gone Before”). In a fight to the death, Kirk (with a little help) prevails. Despite his near-fatal confrontation, Kirk says Mitchell died in the line of duty because “He didn’t ask for what happened to him.”
“Where No Man Has Gone Before” stands out as a story of the bonds of friendship and its undying importance to Captain Kirk. Of all his friendships, it’s the one between Kirk and Continue Reading “‘I’ve Been Contemplating The Death Of An Old Friend…’”
These 3 Factors Drive Your Need For More Money (And May Be The Key To Solving Budget Woes)
The first thing you’re probably thinking is, “Man, that title’s too long.” You might be right about that. But I checked it with my headline writing tool. The tool rated it “effective,” scoring an 85 out of 100. The tool may be right. After all, you made it this far into the column. Which in all likelihood has led you to…
The second thing you’re probably thinking is, “Oh, no. An article about boring financial stuff.” You might be right about that, too. But it’s not about interest rates and inflation. If that’s all you think it’s about, you might also be missing out on the opportunity to overcome some of the greatest challenges you (and everyone else) are facing right now.
Let’s see if you can guess what I’m talking about before I reveal it after a few more paragraphs.
I was pondering how to solve the impossible the other day. I won’t tell you what it is yet because I don’t want to tilt your reading of this in any way. Instead, I’ll give you the high-Continue Reading “These 3 Factors Drive Your Need For More Money (And May Be The Key To Solving Budget Woes)”