Everyone dreams of being the hero. You can imagine yourself being in the right place at the right time. There’s no reason you can’t be that person – the only person – who knows what to do when the going gets tough.
Everyone dreams of snatching victory from certain defeat… and everyone, including you, can do it..
If only you have the time…
Face it, we all know we can make the right decision if we only had all the facts. But rare are the opportunities that offer enough time to gather the facts.
You can’t control the calendar, you can’t control the clock, you can’t control the stopwatch.
And who doesn’t fear what they can’t control?
It’s normal, so sit back and relax. You’re no different than anyone else.
The clock is the clock. The bad news is your rivals have long known this. They’ve used it to Continue Reading “Can You Turn Certain Defeat into Victory in Less than 40 Seconds? Follow These Four Easy Steps and You Can!”
The Power of Losing Positively
What might have moved Longfellow to write these words? Perhaps he still mourned the loss of his first wife Mary, who died in 1831. Maybe he had become despondent over his near decade long courtship of Frances, the woman who would eventually become his second wife. What ever the source, the expression packs power. It’s the kind of power the Continue Reading “The Power of Losing Positively”