When you’re a hammer, everything looks like a nail. When you’re a physics and astronomy major swimming in a sea of humanities majors, everything looks like an atom.
Or, quite possibly, a planet.
I guess it depends if you’re talking to someone who just got out of a micro-economics course or a macro-economics course.
Here’s the thing about majoring in physics in astronomy. Back when I did it, it was considered a double major. In reality, given the amount of required math courses, it was really a triple major. Only the folks in New Haven didn’t officially recognize triple majors.
The point, however, is that your schedule doesn’t have a lot of room for much of anything else.
Now, here comes the twist. On top of all those courses required for the physics and Continue Reading “What Did You Learn From Oppenheimer?”
The Empirical Past vs. The Remembered Past
The trouble with these personal stories is that they’re personal. Unless I can figure out a way Continue Reading “The Empirical Past vs. The Remembered Past”