The Power of a Promise: Why Keeping Your Word Matters

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What ever happened to Sundays? I used to lie on my stomach on the couch and read the voluminous New York Times spread on the rug below me. Then I’d roll over to my back and watch the Buffalo Bills on TV. After the Bills game, I’d keep football on and yank the extra-large NY Times crossword puzzle out of the magazine section. With the sounds of the gridiron grunting comfortably in the background, I’d meticulously complete the puzzle. In pen.

Ah, for those lazy Sundays…

Those lazy, inefficient Sundays.

Those lazy, inefficient Sundays whose only legacy is a bare, faded memory that’s almost gone.

I’m much more productive now. Life has a way of forcing that on you. It’s even better when you enjoy it.

And I enjoy it. The fruits of that production aren’t mere memories, but tangible relics that I can share with others. It’s the sharing I enjoy the most. I realize now I can’t share when I Continue Reading “The Power of a Promise: Why Keeping Your Word Matters”

Why It’s Important You Have A High Need For Achievement

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Photo by Ian Stauffer on UnsplashIf you had the choice, would you rather stand on the winner’s podium or watch as someone else stands on that platform?

Be honest, now. When you enter a competition, do you just say you’re there simply for the experience or, deep down, do you imagine yourself finishing first?

There’s nothing wrong with wanting to achieve. It’s quite natural and it’s often seen at a young age.

“Since I was a kid, I was always obsessed with achieving better results,” says Alessio Lorusso, CEO & Founder of Roboze, in Bari, Italy and Houston. “I was never satisfied with something if I thought it could be improved or reinvented completely to deliver the best results.”

This is a familiar story. Many business owners had their first taste of entrepreneurship before graduating high school.

“I’ve been an entrepreneur since my early teenage years, probably before I even knew Continue Reading “Why It’s Important You Have A High Need For Achievement”

Strategic Planning For The Soul

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I’ve always enjoyed the adventure of strategic planning. I call it an “adventure” because it requires one to truly explore the meaning and philosophy of a corporate soul.

A corporate soul differs from a human soul in that the former comprises an entity of many individual souls. With so many human souls making up its psyche, it’s often entertaining to watch as these individuals confuse their personal souls with the corporation’s soul.

OK, I admit this is a form of voyeuristic cynicism, but look, people are egocentric. And the Continue Reading “Strategic Planning For The Soul”

Don’t Confuse Grades with Accomplishments*

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optical-page-1-1561577By the time I reached the rank of college sophomore this real world adage had slapped me in the face. OK, that’s not quite the truth. It wasn’t the first time the concept slapped me in the face, and it wouldn’t be the last. Despite all this slapping and resulting sore cheeks, it has taken decades for the true meaning of this bromide to slowly ooze into my psyche. When I look back into my past, at all the times I failed to live by this maxim, my only response is a Homer Simpson-esque “D’oh!”

But I get ahead of myself.Continue Reading “Don’t Confuse Grades with Accomplishments*”

Leon Tec’s Targets – The Book That Started It All

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Target_300“Dreams will get you nowhere, a good kick in the pants will take you a long way.”
– Baltasar Gracian

Like most undergraduates, I enjoyed college. I viewed those four years as a time of experimentation, a release from the staid banality of suburban pabulum.

But not in the way you think.

Some people collect nostalgia. Some people collect materials. I collect experiences. And it started almost immediately upon setting foot in a courtyard surrounded by walls of ivy. And my parents reacted like most parents of university students. They told me to stop it.

But I couldn’t. As I explained at the time, I was like a shark. These carnivorous Continue Reading “Leon Tec’s Targets – The Book That Started It All”

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