Are You a Consumer or a Creator?

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Truth be told, you’re both. We’re all both. And that’s a good thing. It’s called “comparative advantage.” It’s what makes the world go ‘round.

But that’s not why I ask the question. Whether you’re disposed to behave like a consumer or like a creator certainly depends on the specific situation.

Here’s the important question: Do you more often find yourself in situations where you’re more comfortable taking the role of consumer or of creator? And how might this impact the depth of your overall happiness?

Here’s the twist. It’s why you really need to know the response to this question. If you own a business, if you operate a business, if you work in a business, this answer does Continue Reading “Are You a Consumer or a Creator?”

Taxes, Social Spending and Recessions

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[This Commentary originally appeared in the September 27, 1990 issue of The Mendon-Honeoye Falls-Lima Sentinel.]

CarosaCommentaryNewLogo_259There’s a demon looming on the horizon. It hasn’t been around for a long, long time, but it’s there. People have been talking about it for a few years, though it remains just beyond the edge of our view. Some folks have even said it’s been seen, yet only by limited regions of the country and only for a short time.

Nobody knows how bad this demon will be. Nobody’s even sure if the demon will show its face. Still others will argue the demon stands in our midst now.

The evil has an evil aura about it. People fear the very thought of it, even those who Continue Reading “Taxes, Social Spending and Recessions”

The Impact of FTAs in a Multi-polar World

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[This Commentary originally appeared in the March 15, 1990 issue of The Mendon-Honeoye Falls-Lima Sentinel.]


CarosaCommentaryNewLogo_259Sometimes sovereign nations and little children behave in the same way. Both can act selfish and territorial. Both can ignore the long term consequences of their short term orientation. Each can view the world egocentrically, seeking always to win and never to share.

Despite these attributes, we generally tolerate children. After all, they quickly grow up into adults. Countries, on the other hand, take a lot longer to sprout a mature bearing.

We may offer the argument that nations, no matter how old, will always acquit themselves like children. They do, of course, have the obligation to protect their Continue Reading “The Impact of FTAs in a Multi-polar World”

The Roaring Eighties – R.I.P.

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[This Commentary originally appeared in the March 1, 1990 issue of The Mendon-Honeoye Falls-Lima Sentinel.]

CarosaCommentaryNewLogo_259Like its predecessor the Roaring Twenties, the decade past seemed filled with excess. The eighties saw gargantuan gluttonous wrought forth upon a foundation of financial speculation and naïve hopes. But, enough has already been said about the sins of the last ten years.

Indeed, we come not to praise the eighties, but to bury them. While the calendar says we entered the nineties two full months ago, the end of February really Continue Reading “The Roaring Eighties – R.I.P.”

Civil War and the World Economy

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[This Commentary originally appeared in the June 29, 1989 issue of The Mendon-Honeoye Falls-Lima Sentinel.]

CarosaCommentaryNewLogo_259Surprisingly, my immediate reaction to the Chinese student demonstration this past spring had me questioning their tactics. I feared, in their quest to move things more quickly, the young protesters would spark a hardliner response. Ironically, their daring deeds would lead to one giant panda step backward.

Change, it seems, occurs most easily if done from within. Unfortunately, neither the students of Tiananmen Square nor their Continue Reading “Civil War and the World Economy”

Lemonade, Minimum Wage and Daddy’s Tough Decision

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[This Commentary originally appeared in the May 4, 1989 issue of The Mendon-Honeoye Falls-Lima Sentinel.]

CarosaCommentaryNewLogo_259Many people in the Mendon, Honeoye Falls and Lima area have been reading in the national news about the minimum wage. Like most of the people in our country, they are sympathetic with increasing the minimum wage, but remain anxious about the impact the boost will have. The threat of an increasing wage-price spiral worries everyday folks the most. Unfortunately, we see Democrats saying one thing and Republicans saying another, with no one trying to take the time to explain what the real effect will be.

Being trained as a scientist, I never took economists seriously. Still, the issue of minimum wage and inflation provided too much confusion to go unanswered. “Sure,” I said to myself, “it seems fair to up the level given the increased cost of living over the past eight years. If it appears so fair, then why do so many people say it will actually Continue Reading “Lemonade, Minimum Wage and Daddy’s Tough Decision”

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