September 6, 2012 Towpath Boy Scout Roundtable Meeting Notes

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I’d like to thank Kip Webster from Troop 10 for taking the time to compile these and submit them to me.

I. Introductions ‘round the room

II. Announcements:

March Roundtable Minutes – How to Keep Older Scouts Interested

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Once again we need to thank Kip Webster for providing these minutes. The March 2012 Towpath District Boy Scout Roundtable focused on older boy retention. It was a lively discussion. We need to thank Greg Wolber from Troop for putting together his thoughts for tonight’s program. Greg is one of a handful of “one-and-done” Roundtable staff members who have agreed to assemble one program during our Roundtable year. Before we get to the evenings exciting topic, we had these announcements:Continue Reading “March Roundtable Minutes – How to Keep Older Scouts Interested”

Towpath Merit Badge Midway Proposal

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Our council, our district and the units within our district have all done an excellent job promoting and providing camping opportunities for our boys. As we know, scouting_heritage_mb_300the outdoor experience – camping, hiking, etc… – represents a critical path for boys to learn leadership and other skills for life.

But we also know Boy Scouts is more than just camping. Indeed, the capstone of any Boy Scout’s career is the Eagle Scout project – an activity that emphasizes leadership and community service and may or may not include an outdoor element.

BSA offers boys a path of discovery beyond outdoor activities that may influence the direction of one’s Eagle Continue Reading “Towpath Merit Badge Midway Proposal”

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