The dynamics between the kids on Abbott Parkway were complex. There was always this “boys against girls” thing.
It started in school. By fourth grade, it got to where boys intercepted notes girls tried to pass to one another. Sometimes the boys would read them. Sometimes the boys would pass them to our teacher, Miss Powell. Miss Powell didn’t take too kindly to note passing.
This tension spilled over to the neighborhood. Several girls from our grade played on the Continue Reading “The Never-Ending Apple Wars of Summer”
Bring Back Dodgeball! Why ‘Too Big To Fail’ Failed
Using the deft eye of a future quarterback, my face feigned throwing the ball into Danny’s broad chest and stocky arms. He bought the ruse and, as I cocked my arm back, I could see his biceps tense. Kids usually thought if they threw the ball hard enough right at him, Danny wouldn’t catch it. Danny always caught it. With a snap release, I flicked the ball directly at… his feet!
Stymied by the misdirection, Danny froze. The ball bounced harmlessly off his shoe. The bell rang. I had won.
* * * * *
Six years later, on the hardwood deck of the high school gym, I found myself in Danny’s Continue Reading “Bring Back Dodgeball! Why ‘Too Big To Fail’ Failed”