Every speaker wants to know the answer to this question: How do I make my presentation more effective, more memorable and more exciting for the audience. Aristotle said it best in his book The Art of Rhetoric (ca 350BC):
Pathos – A passion for the subject.
Logos – A thorough knowledge of the subject.
Ethos – The acknowledged credibility to comment on the subject (requires Pathos and Logos).
Every aspect of speaking must address at least one (if not all three) of these areas. I hope to tell stories of how I used these in the many successful presentations I have offered to appreciative audiences.
How Psychic Numbing Weirdly Helps You… Or Doesn’t
How do writers deal with this? They bring us right up to the edge of the actual torture and maybe a little beyond because Continue Reading “How Psychic Numbing Weirdly Helps You… Or Doesn’t”