Skill vs. Soul: The Agonizing Choice Between Technique or Sincerity

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Cousin Reginald Spells Peloponnesus. Norman Rockwell, 1918. Public Domain via Wikipedia Commons

Have you ever been to a party that included guests from both the worlds of art and science? At first, as the visitors arrive, there’s a short cordial meet-and-greet. Folks smile, shake hands, and exchange friendly hellos. As more people enter, they begin to group with like-minded individuals.

Artists cluster with other artists. Scientists huddle with other scientists. There’s still some intermixing of professions, but they’re quick, implying each wants to return to the safety of one’s kind.

You know what happens next. You’ve seen it in all walks of life, not just between scientists and artists. It could be between any two groups of divergent attitudes. Hanging out in the self-segregated echo chamber created by others who share their worldview reinforces that point of view. In turn, this boosts the confidence they have in their profession, their religion, their politics—whatever the subject of division happens to be.

What does this mean to the imaginary (or not so imaginary) party that began this column? Invariably, an argument ensues between an artist and a scientist. In the worst case, each Continue Reading “Skill vs. Soul: The Agonizing Choice Between Technique or Sincerity”

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