You have something important to say. Admit it. You’re not different than anyone else. We all have something important to say. Your “something important,” though, is different than everyone else’s. Yours is unique. Yours has never been said by anyone else at any other time in history. How can this be? The answer is simple: there’s only one of you, only one of you to ever exist, to think what you think, to discover this thought, idea, solution – this “something important” – in a way no one else could have possibly done it. You are unique. That makes your “something important” unique. And that’s why Continue Reading “This is What’s Preventing You from Saying that “Something Important” You Want to Let the Whole World Know”
Day 27 – December 10, 2009 (Thu): Have Fun!

Start of Day Twitter Stats: Follow: 152 Followers: 137 Listed: 8
Missed yesterday? Go here to read what happened on Day 26 – December 9, 2009 (Wed): Drive Followers to Purchase Without a Special Offer
Charlie Brown snowflakes – don’t you just love them? I do.
Today’s the day I substituted for Monday. Today, instead of having fun – well, I guess this is sort of fun anyway – I try to drive followers to a blog – my blog – Here’s the strategy I used: Every other tweet I tell the followers I’m tweeting the daily results of Chris Carosa’s 30-Day Plan to Dominate Twitter Experiment all day. In between, I send them a link to a different day’s update. Oh, yeah, as for the header, I used @joelcomm and #TwitterPower. Will this repetition annoy people? I’m about to find out.
Continue Reading “Day 27 – December 10, 2009 (Thu): Have Fun!”