Jambo Journal – Day #6, Friday, July 30, 2010 – The 5K Run.
Yesterday’s entry: Can I have Some Lumbar Support with that Sandwich?
Another night of coolness – but only in the early morning hours. The sleeping was much better – not the best I’ve had on a campout, but much better. The morning urge to “de-hydrate” ruins my intention to sleep in. The troop wakes up at 5:30am and all but one go on the five-kilometer run/walk. As usual, I stay back to guard the treasures, yet again invoking my special function. The other leaders have graciously volunteered to stay back the rest of the day, giving me time to shuffle off to the Staff Dining tent, begin typing this missive and (finally) charge my thirsty electronic devices. (BTW, did you know if you turn your internet connection off on your phone, your battery lasts a lot longer?)
The boys trickle back into camp led by, appropriately, the Troop’s SPL. They started the runners first and the walkers ten minutes later. In all, there’s about a 45 minute difference between the first and final returnees. The SPL doesn’t wait for each patrol’s gopher to arrive and smartly dispatches the first four boys off to procure our breakfast rations. That’s when the morning’s lesson begins.