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Heres a list of all the books published by Chris Carosa through 2018. This list does not include two stage plays and one (unpublished) novel.

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History Unleashed: Lafayette’s Remarkable Tour of the Greater Western New York Region

(Pandamensional Solutions, Inc., August 2024)

History Unleashed: Lafayette’s Remarkable Tour of the Greater Western New York Region would make a wonderful film. Chris Carosa provides us with both detailed descriptions and broad overviews, helping the reader conjure up each scene as if they were actually present.”
– Chuck Schwam, Executive Director, American Friends of Lafayette

What Would A Rolling Stones Farewell Tour Look Like If It Occurred In 1825?

Lafayette was received like a modern-day rock star. Western New York was very much a frontier in 1825. It reflected that frontier spirit that has come to embody the American spirit.

Discover the untold true story of Lafayette’s extraordinary journey through Greater Western New York! History Unleashed: Lafayette’s Remarkable Tour of the Greater Western New York Region transports readers to the heart of America’s early years, where the iconic Marquis de Lafayette embarked on a historic tour of the region.

As Lafayette traverses the picturesque landscapes of Western New York, he encounters a vibrant tapestry of cultures, communities, and pivotal moments in American history. From his encounters with Native American tribes to his interactions with settlers and soldiers, Lafayette’s journey illuminates the rich history of the region and its profound impact on the shaping of a nation.

Why won’t you put this book down until you’re done reading it?

Through meticulous research and captivating storytelling, award-winning academic researcher and journalist Christopher Carosa brings to life this forgotten chapter of American history, shedding new light on Lafayette’s legacy and the enduring significance of Greater Western New York in the fabric of America’s story. History Unleashed is a must-read for history enthusiasts, showcasing the power of one man’s journey to unlock the secrets of a region and its people.

Click here to read more about what you’ll discover in Chris Carosa’s History Unleashed: Lafayette’s Remarkable Tour of the Greater Western New York Region.

Would you like to benefit from reading Chris Carosa’s History Unleashed: Lafayette’s Remarkable Tour of the Greater Western New York Region anytime you want?


Hamburger Dreams: How Classic Crime Solving Techniques Helped Crack the Case of America’s Greatest Culinary Mystery

(Pandamensional Solutions, Inc., 2018)

“It gives me delight to report Hamburger Dreams is both scrupulously researched and written with graceful style. I could not put it down and finished it in a single sitting.”
– Craig Shelton, James Beard Award Winning Chef, Shelton Hospitality Group

Have You Ever Paused to Consider This Question?

How do you solve a cold case that’s so close to you it’s sizzling on your backyard barbecue? Literally. Many have tried to solve the alluring question of “Who sold the first hamburger?” Some promote their own backyard answer, relying more on faith than on hard evidence.

Hamburger Dreams, a book by the prolific Chris Carosa, uses classic crime solving techniques to crack the case of America’s greatest culinary mystery. Reviewers call Carosa “a born narrator” who, with “the brilliance of a culinary gumshoe and the diligence of a conscientious reporter,” uses “meaty research and tantalizing story-telling” to “separate fact from fiction.”

Cynics will tell you we can never discover who really sold the first hamburger just because there is no smoking gun proof. By coincidence, literature’s most famous detective appeared at the same time the first hamburger was sold. Would he have conceded just because the case lacked a credible eye witness? Would he say it’s impossible to know who among the usual suspects most likely sold the first hamburger? No. Sherlock Holmes didn’t rely on the existence of a smoking gun. He used something more convincing: the power of deduction. But, just how exactly would he approach this case?

Would you like to Feed Your Curiosity?

Join award-winning academic researcher and journalist Christopher Carosa as he uses these classic crime solving techniques and other investigative tools to crack the mystery behind who sold the world’s first hamburger. In his latest, Hamburger Dreams, Carosa submits his findings in much the same way a DA might present a final summation to the jury.

Click here to read more about what you’ll discover in Chris Carosa’s Hamburger Dreams

Would you like to benefit from reading Chris Carosa’s Hamburger Dreams anytime you want?


From Cradle to Retirement: The Child IRA – How to start a newborn on the road to comfortable retirement while still in a cozy cradle

(Pandamensional Solutions, Inc., 2018)

“Christopher Carosa, a noted publisher and financial author, has come up with a very simple and novel lesson even before kindergarten. It’s the Child IRA which can help a child get started on the road to financial independence. It’s never too early to start.”
– Jerry Kalish, GFS®, President, National Benefit Services, Inc.

If there were a way for every newborn child to retire a multi-millionaire, wouldn’t every parent want to know it?

The concept is quite simple. From the moment the baby is born, you save $1,000 a year in a Child IRA until the baby’s 19th birthday. Then you do nothing. If that money is invested for the long-term and earns 8% (which is 3% less than the average 11% long-term return for stocks), then, when that child retires at age 70, the Child IRA account would have grown to two-and-a-quarter million dollars.

Alas, there’s a catch. There is no such thing as a “Child IRA.” In reality, parents who create a Child IRA today must establish a traditional IRA, but there are restrictions which limit whether a child qualifies. Don’t you think parents want to know what they could do right now to allow their child to benefit from a Child IRA?

Author Christopher Carosa thinks so. A veteran financial journalist specializing in retirement plans and investments, he has interviewed hundreds of people involved in the retirement industry – from people saving for retirement to retirement plan service providers to state and government regulators. These interviews have produced hundreds of stories, articles, and reports published for national audiences by print and digital media outlets. His thoughts and opinions have been sought out and broadcast on various national TV and radio networks.

In From Cradle to Retirement, Carosa expertly pieces together these thoughts and interviews to reveal a practical “How-to” guide for parents, grandparents, and their financial advisers seeking to help young children reap the benefits of the Child IRA. Within this hands-on guide, Carosa weaves the fascinating history the cultural views of retirement in America and the implications these have had on public policy. Finally, and perhaps of greatest interest, Carosa reveals real-world case-studies of people who have created actual Child IRAs for their children. Still more case-studies show how parents have attempted to duplicate some of the Child IRA’s features with other savings vehicles.

Click here to read more about what you’ll discover in Chris Carosa’s From Cradle to Retirement

Would you like to benefit from reading Chris Carosa’s From Cradle to Retirement anytime you want?


Hey! What’s My Number?  – The One Thing Every Retirement Investor Wants and Needs to Know

(Pandamensional Solutions, Inc., 2014)

Cover (Front) 2014.11.18.6-600x900pxRemember that retirement commercial with the huge million dollar (and more) numbers weighing down over peoples’ heads? In real life, those numbers really do weigh down on people. In real life, the weight is so great, folks would rather go into full ostrich mode rather than confront the reality of their own retirement. And that’s too bad, because preparing for you retirement is not as onerous as that commercial implies. There’s a smaller, mathematically equivalent number that’s much easier for folks to chew. In fact, once presented with this number number, people approach saving for their retirement with more enthusiasm if not outright zeal. How does Chris Carosa know? Because he’s seen this happen in real life. He’s been there when employees walk into a 401k education meeting with the weight of the world on their shoulders. He’s watched as, when presented with the same facts from a different perspective, these 401k investors’ dour expressions transform into broad self-satisfied smiles. And now he’s put that same magic into a small, easy-and-enjoyable-to-read book.

Hey! What’s My Number? offers a simple roadmap retirement investors – and their professional advisors – can use to make the journey to retirement more comfortable, more confident and more attainable. Written in a friendly, conversational style, the book mixes a down-to-earth dialog between the author and the reader with the wisdom of some of the nation’s most veteran retirement advisors. Among other things, in it you’ll learn:

  • 4 steps that will change your life
  • 7 simple savings secrets every 401k investor should know
  • A popular 401k “benefit” that may actually hurt your retirement readiness
  • 3 most common mistakes of all retirement investors
  • 3 strategies that are more important than your investment choice
  • How to retire a millionaire
  • And, finally, how to calculate your own unique “number”

Click here to read more about what you’ll discover in Chris Carosa’s Hey! What’s My Number?

Would you like to benefit from reading Chris Carosa’s Hey! What’s My Number? anytime you want?


A Pizza The Action – Everything I Ever Learned About Business I Learned by Working in a Pizza Stand at the Erie County Fair 

(Pandamensional Solutions, Inc., 2014)

A Pizza The Action Book Front Cover - correctedA Pizza The Action is a business book wrapped in a personal memoir. Join the author as he relives real-life events that occurred while he worked in his grandparents’ pizza stand at the nation’s largest county fair. Chris Carosa explains how, in retrospect, these stories revealed 15 rules told through 54 lessons all entrepreneurs, business executives and anyone interested in getting ahead must know.

Click here to read more about what you’ll discover in Chris Carosa’s A Pizza The Action.

Would you like to benefit from reading Chris Carosa’s A Pizza The Action anytime you want?


50 Hidden Gems of Greater Western New York – A handbook for those too proud to believe wide right and no goal define us.

(Pandamensional Solutions, 2014)

book_cover_2-01 copyDiscover the secrets in your own backyard! Written in Chris Carosa’s usual light-hearted and entertaining style, 50 Hidden Gems of Greater Western New York reveals some of the most delicious and underexposed treasures the region offers. 50 Hidden Gems of Greater Western New York takes you on a expedition celebrating the rich character of our region. In doing so, the discerning reader will unearth perhaps the most powerful hidden gem of them all: the key to Greater Western New York’s future success.

Click here to learn more about the fascinating stories contain in Chris Carosa’s 50 Hidden Gems of Greater Western New York.

Click here to see the book’s trailer and a sneak preview.

Would you like to benefit from reading Chris Carosa’s 50 Hidden Gems of Greater Western New York anytime you want?


401(k) Fiduciary Solutions – Expert Guidance for 401(k) Plan Sponsors on how to Effectively and Safely Manage Plan Compliance and Investments by Sharing the Fiduciary Burden with Experienced Professionals

(Pandamensional Solutions, 2012)

401k_fiduciary_solutions_front_cover_finalFamed blogger (ranked #1 by The Wall Street Journal) proclaims 401(k) Fiduciary Solutions as “a vital reference tool for years to come.” Given his years as a journalist in the financial industry, together with his rare insider’s knowledge of the field only a veteran practitioner can possess, Christopher Carosa has produced an important work to help guide, educate and, yes, even at times, entertain professional fiduciaries and retirement plan sponsors. Considered by many as a veritable bible for those responsible for corporate 401k plans, 401(k) Fiduciary Solutions explains it all in an approachable manner that will appear to busy executives.  Well regarded industry commentator Harold Evensky calls 401(k) Fiduciary Solutions “a treasure trove of practical and invaluable  information and insights for plan sponsors and financial advisors to 401(k) plans. If you wear either of these hats you MUST read this book.”

Click here to learn more about Christopher Carosa’s 401(k) Fiduciary Solutions.

Would you like to benefit from reading Chris Carosa’s 401(k) Fiduciary Solutions anytime you want?



Out of Print


Due Diligence – The Individual Trustees Guide to Selecting and Monitoring a Professional Investment Adviser 

(ARDMAN Regional, Ltd., 1999)

Due Diligence cover - Large (JPEG file)The book provides answers to the most critical investment questions individual trustees and fiduciaries might have. This book focuses the reader on converting investment portfolios into tangible and enjoyable activities and events. Many trust attorneys feel the Prudent Investor Act allows individual trustees to reduce their personal liability for investing trust assets by hiring a professional investment adviser in a well documented manner. This book shows the individual trustee how to compile a written record. Four different types of people will enjoy reading this book. Those who role up their sleeves and jump right into things will like the easy-to-read and easy-to-use forms and checklists. Those who like real-life examples will take pleasure from the five case studies detailed in the book. Those who want to really understand the reasons why focusing on one’s lifetime dreams (and not investment performance) relieves anxiety will relish the straight-forward explanations offered in the book. Finally, those who like industry gossip will delight in the revealing inside secrets professional money managers never tell their clients.




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