[This Commentary originally did not appear in the February 14, 1991 issue of The Mendon-Honeoye Falls-Lima Sentinel.]
Beginning with this issue, my name no longer appears on the masthead of the paper.
Next Week #97: Will Bush Use the No-Huddle? (originally published on February 7, 1990)
A New Beginning: It’s Déjà Vu All Over Again (published on November 11, 2009)
[What is this and why is here? See Interested in Discovering My Time Machine? for more details.]
Author’s Comment: I’m an eternal optimist. That generally means two things. One gets me in trouble. The other gets me out of trouble.
I’m a trusting soul, perhaps even a little naïve. Since I would never cross certain lines, it never occurs to me others may possess an ethic that allows them to cross those same lines. I believe in strong more rules of common sense and fair play. It doesn’t mean I’m not afraid to think outside of the box. Indeed, the Sentinel would never have existed if I didn’t see how the then new-fangled computer application called Pagemaker could be teamed with a laser printer to efficiently produce a traditional newspaper layout. Sometime my optimism can get me into trouble when I let this same familiarity with technology misguide me into a false familiarity with people.
On the other hand, optimism powers the confidence I have in myself. It allows me to quickly accomplish tasks in a manner others consider far beyond the abilities of mortal man. Don’t let the cape fool you. I’m not Superman. I’m just super-driven. In the two-and-a-half years I spent meeting the weekly deadline of the Carosa Commentary, I successfully launched a profitable product at work, seek my MBA as quickly as a full-time student (despite a part-time schedule), met the woman of my dreams and got to know a lot of people in my adopted home town of Mendon. It was this same drive that propelled me from my experience with the Sentinel to the achievement of other important lifetime goals. Within a year of writing my final Commentary, I would have graduated from the Simon School, ran two successful political campaigns – a primary and a general election – to get elected as the youngest member ever to serve on the Mendon Town Board and, most importantly, marry the woman of my dreams.
That the Sentinel continues to exist more than two decades after I helped create it confirms my classification of it as a “successful” venture. The fruits of that experience established a foundation from which I’ve been able to create more vibrant businesses, effectively manage my media relations and continue to expand my writing portfolio. Thanks for accompanying me on this trip down memory lane and I hope you stay along with me as we ride into a future that continues to shine with promises you can only dream of.