In February’s Towpath District Boy Scout Roundtable, we returned to a topic we haven’t covered in three years: the Merit Badge Counselor Orientation. We also had a special presentation on NYLT. Kip Webster was thoughtful enough to take the minutes of the meeting and allow me to post them here. We started with these announcements:
- Leadership University (3/3/2012) – TLT replaced by Introduction to Leadership Skills for Troops (ILST) (ILSC for Crews). ILST offered at Leadership University. Any scout can attend. Send scouts that will be in a leadership position. 11am – 12pm course for adults on how to deliver this course. ILST syllabus on national Boy Scout site.
- National Advanced Youth Leadership Experience – at Philmont. One week course. Can find info on Philmont website.
- Kent Palmer announcement – OA materials. Check Troop contact info. Upcoming events – renew dues. 3/9 – 3/11 OA Fellowship.
- Council Calendar – can recognize Woodbadge, OA, Eagle scouts, other accomplishments.
- Account to enter services hours – see Dave Cheney.
- Recharter date to be 12/15, expires 12/30. Will get a refund due to short charter year (11 months).
- Six youth spots left for Jamboree Shakedown. One adult position left too.
- Silver Beaver nomination due tomorrow. Unit Award of Merit due at the April Roundtable. District Award of Merit due at April Roundtable. Still looking for a Finance Chair at the District level.
- JTE application for 2011 and 2012 available.
- OA tapped a new vigil person – Bob Cooper.
- OA Chapter meetings happening at Roundtable meetings.
- Eagle Flight applications now online. Scouts from Massachusetts and Vermont coming. 3/6 is the first meeting, at County Parks building near Highland Park. Looking for counselors – Let Bob know.
- MB University – currently 387 scouts signed up for ~800 MBs. 35 Troops signed up. Still looking for volunteers. One adult for every ten scouts. Registration ends on 2/10. Double check reservations. There were some double registrations.
Next we had this discussion regarding NYLT:
- NYLT announcement – brochures handed out. Courses 1, 2 & 3 in July and August. Course 4 in October (later deadline for this course). 48 scouts in each course. Last year had a waiting list. Fall course designed for older youth that may have summer commitments. Cost – after May 15 $295. Before – $250 (same as last year). $20 discount if going to other Seneca Waterways summer camp.
- Forms on website for NYLT
- Nomination form will result in letter from four SPLs.
- Have scholarship for Troops that haven’t sent a scout in the last five years. Four Troops will receive one free youth registration for two paid registrations.
- To make NYLT more relevant, two changes. 1 – NYLT awards – bronze, gold, silver. Scoutmaster can emphasize the use and sharing of the NYLT skills. Previous year graduates can do this too. 2 – in graduation packet from last summer, there was a letter for HS counselor to give HS credit to scout. Previous year graduates can do this too. If any troubles with this process, refer to Dan.
Finally, we ended with a review of the Merit Badge Counselor Orientation program.
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