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Chris Carosa
Microphone Speaks
Award Winning Journalist, Nationally Ranked Mutual Fund Manager,
and Hamburger Historian.

“A parallel entrepreneur, I was raised in my family’s carnival stand and used that experience in raw capitalism to start a series of businesses from before my teen years. Since then my kaleidoscopic of activities have generated millions in revenues, spanned the continents, and touched the hearts of many.”

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3 Step Process to Start a Side Hustle to Thwart Inflation

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The Top Ten Myths About the Origin of the Hamburger

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Would You Like To Hear Some Speaking Samples?
Click on these titles:

“Money, Voids, and Pivots with Chris Carosa,” They Don’t Teach This In Business School, hosted by Julie Bee

Finding Opportunities with Chris Carosa,” Interview with George Grombacher, Money Savage

Episode 1581: Finding the Voids That Represent Gaps Between Where People Want to be and Where People Are Today with Christopher Carosa,” Interview with Neil Ball, The Entrepreneur Way

Hamburger Historian, Playwright, Yale Graduate, & Buffalo Native Chris Carosa Brings the Beef to the Lounge! We Talk Buffalo Bills, The Marx Brothers, Baseball Cards, Pete Rose & So Much More!
Interview with “Sam Sprunger,” Chris “Richey,” and “Little Matt” Hollenbach, The 500 Section Lounge

  • Using Proven Psychological Techniques to Motivate
  • Confessions of a Parallel Entrepreneur
  • The True History of the Hamburger
  • The Six Rules of Every Successful Carny
  • How to Convince The Market You’re An Expert
  • How to Write a Press Release that Every Reporter Will Read
  • Do You Have What It Takes to be an Entrepreneur?
  • How to Design a Revenue Model Best Suited for the Needs of Your Customers
  • The Anatomy of Fake News: How a 50-year Lie Became Unraveled and the Search to Find its Origins 
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By day, award winning financial writer Christopher Carosa is the President and Chairman of the Board of the Bullfinch Fund, a family of flexible no-load mutual funds. His funds are frequently ranked in the top ten nationally by Lipper and during the “lost decade” between 2000 and 2010 actually earned a positive return of nearly 50%. But it’s his evening job that offers the greatest excitement. In addition to serving as Senior Contributor to, Chris is the Publisher of the Mendon-Honeoye Falls-Lima Sentinel, Chief Contributing Editor for, and a columnist and free-lance writer for various print and digital publications.

Mr. Carosa earned his undergraduate degree In Physics and Astronomy from Yale University and MBA from the Simon Business School. He has been designated a Certified Trust and Financial Adviser by the Institute of Certified Bankers.

Chris is the author of 7 books, a stage play, and has been interviewed and quoted in such major media outlets as The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, USA Today, Barron’s, CNBC, Fox Business News, and the NBC Nightly News. The BizPizzazz Man