Day 17 – November 30, 2009 (Mon): Post an Action Tweet

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Start of Day Twitter Stats: Follow: 107 Followers: 88 Listed: 5

Missed yesterday? Go here to read what happened on Day 16 – November 29, 2009 (Sun): Post a Discussion Tweet

twitter_power_joel_comm_150Today’s the first day I’ve been really disappointed with this experiment. Although I admit I’ve been busy this weekend, I didn’t totally ignore Twitter. I followed a number of folks back. I did continue to do as Joel Comm suggested and I even got a big bounce in activity on my blog – at least as judged by Google Analytics.

But, given all that, I wake up this morning to find only two more followers. I’m beginning to formulate a hypothesis. I’ll call it the “Twitter Churn and Burn Hypothesis.” Here’s how it works:

I based the Twitter Churn and Burn Hypothesis on the commonly held belief from long ago regarding the hiring strategies of brokers. Namely, they’d entice new recruits with exciting bonuses once they surpassed a minimum threshold. Of course, this minimum threshold coincidentally happened to lie just above the number of family and friends a typical conscript has. So the fresh employee would quickly build up an account list of close family and friends only to find a brick wall. The exhausted worker would eventually quit, leaving most of the accounts with the broker and a new face would take his place; thus, the “burn” followed by the “churn” aspect of things.

Does Twitter have the same “churn” and will it cause a similar “burn?” I’m sure Twitter has an astute interest in this question and probably has reams of statistics to show whether a “Twitter churn and burn” exists.

I posted an action tweet, a rather lame action tweet. I asked people to go read yesterday’s update on the experiment. @joeemorgan was kind enough to RT my action tweet. I’ll have to wait until tomorrow to see if Google Analytics picks up any more activity.

In the meantime, I tried to help @ellenfweber with a problem she was having loading pictures from her Kodak camera to her computer. I’m no expert, but I think I had the same problem, so I told her what I did. I have no idea if it worked. And if it didn’t, I hope someone else was able to help her.

I ended the day tweeting about the Monday Night Football game and working on the script for Friday’s official Top Ten Countdown Show. At least I now know RIT and the Strasenburgh Planetarium are taking care of the technical aspects of things. All I need to do is create the PowerPoint.

How many followers do you think I’ll have after 30 days? Click here to enter your guess on my Survey Monkey survey “Chris Carosa’s 30-Day Plan to Dominate Twitter Experiment.” There’s no prize, but the fan who guesses the closest correct number the earliest will “win” and I’ll mention you if you want me to.

Find out today’s results on Day 18 – December 1, 2009 (Tue): Start Putting Your Tweets Together


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